Sunday, July 19, 2009

How did this happen

During the Christmas holiday visit in Asheville, John Ende and I went out for a harmless bike ride. We talked about plans for the summer, and John had already signed up for a ride in the UK. It was London Edinburgh London, a 1400 randonn'ee. It's a ride I have had my eyes on for a while, as I've spent many vacations in England with my family. Well, a week after thinking about it, I decided to go ahead and sign up. I found out the event was full, at 600 riders. It took nearly a month, and quite a few emails to the organizer, and after some cancellations, I was in. A good buddy of mine, Will Shore, made it as well. This event doesn't require any qualification rides. I did pull together a fleche team for an early effort, and eventually rode a 400k and 600k to build up my endurance, along with numerous century and a double century or two. I hope some of my experience will get me through this ride too, as I've not gotten quite the miles in that I have in past years preparing for Paris Brest Paris.


  1. Good Luck Jimmy! I'll be rooting for you and all the NC riders. When you're bleary-eyed, just remember... Keep on the left!


  2. We're pulling for all of you, Jimmy. Have a great ride!


  3. Jimmy, Were pulling for you and Will, can't wait to hear all about it when you return. Have a great time and enjoy!!!

    Mark Norman Vickers

  4. Good luck Jimmy and the rest of the NC contingent. Have a great ride. Looking forward to reading your updates.
    Carol from Baltimore

  5. Go get 'em, Jimmy. Have a good ride!

